Going back to work after having kids can be a huge transition for the whole family. Figuring out routines, meal prep, along with the increased focus on job performance at work is A LOT to handle, especially if you’ve been out of the workforce for a period of time. 

After staying home with my little guy for about 1 1/2 years (which, I am so very grateful for), I have transitioned back into the workforce. Since returning, there have been good days and bad days, but I have learned so much about how to make my life a little easier during the work week. It does take up a few hours during my days off, but so worth it because I’m removing a little bit of the stress that builds up during the week! 

5 Ways to Transition Back to Work

5 Ways to Transition Back to Work1. Meal Prep

I just started doing this and it has seriously been a lifesaver! It may require a bit of work all at once, but the payoff during the week is worth it! The website, eatyourselfskinny.com will help in getting you started. 

2. Time Management

A wise woman (aka-my grandma) once told me that “tunnel vision” is the key to managing day-to-day tasks. Staying focused on the task at hand while limiting distractions is key. It’s easier said than done, but something that will help to create less work in the long run. 

3. Dedicated Family Day

We all need a day of rest with family. Finding a day (or afternoon) to reconnect with the ones you love after a long work week builds stronger relationships. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy either, just as long as you’re together and enjoying each other. 

4. Podcasts

Since going back to work I have needed something to motivate me for the day. I have about a 25 minute drive to work, which I have made it a habit in listening to podcasts. >>Here’s a list<< of motivational podcasts to get you going for the day. (I save the ride home for cranking my music to relieve any tension. I also have a stash of favorite snacks too. 😉 ) 

5. Give Yourself Grace

There is so much to manage nowadays with work, family and overall home life. Every now and then take a deep breath in and release it with a BIG thank you to yourself. Remove the comparisons being made and remember all the good you are doing. It can be hard to see when we’re “racing through life”, but when we slow down for a few moments, we start to see all the achievements.

Pause. Breathe. And remember to “Give Yourself Grace”. 


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