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to take control, to act systematically, to form a habit of obedience.

It is never easy to discipline a kid. It is easier to give him or her a lot of love and affection because you love your child. However, if you want your kids to understand a difference between good and bad, know how to control situations and use good manners, then you need to get to know how to discipline your child, no matter how hard it is. If you want to know how to discipline a child while maintaining a strong connection and staying calm, here are some suggestions.

Be a Good Teacher

1. Be consistent.

If you want your children to be well-disciplined, you must be persistent in your rules and expectations as a parent. If your children know that you can overlook their bad behavior when you are very tired, distracted or simply because sometimes you are sorry for them, then they will not always know how to act correctly.

2. Respect your child.

Do not forget that your child is still a person, no matter how small he is or how disappointed you are. If you want to have authority over your child, then you must respect the fact that he is an imperfect human having own desires and needs, and that he still needs the love and respect of his parents.

3. Be sensitive.

Being sensitive is not the same as being sympathetic. To be sensitive means to be able to understand the efforts, problems, and feelings of your child, and to think about why your child behaves like that. To be sympathetic means to be sorry for your child when he is upset and ill-behaved, wanting to “save” him from problems.

4. Be authoritative, not authoritarian.

An authoritative parent establishes clear rules and the consequences of their violation but continues to be affectionate towards his child. Such a parent can be flexible and discuss problems and their solutions with their children. It is an ideal parenting style, although it is difficult to stick to it all the time.

The authoritarian parent also establishes clear rules and the consequences of their violation, but he does not show enough warm feelings for the child and does not explain the reasons for the required behavior. This can lead to the fact that the child will feel unloved, and will not understand the importance of certain rules.

Take into account the age and temperament of your child. There are no two identical children, so it is important to consider what your child really is when you use a certain method. When your child becomes older, you should also update your discipline system to match the child’s age.

Try Different Discipline Methods

1. Take away a certain privilege.

Try taking away a TV, video game, favorite toy or other fun for one day. It will be a reminder for the child to avoid such a mistake in the future. Explain when he can get privileges back. Usually, 24 hours is enough to teach a child the lesson

2. Ignore the slight disobedience.

When a child tries to draw your attention to grunts or complaints, do not succumb. Instead, let the child understand that only polite behavior can attract your attention.

3. Teach your child natural consequences.

If your child understands the natural consequences of his bad behavior, he will see that it can cause his sadness and regrets. Instead of releasing the child from certain situations, let him cope with the negative emotions. 

4. Teach your positive child methods of discipline.

Positive discipline is a way of working with a child to achieve a positive result that will help him understand his bad behavior and avoid it in the future. To discipline a child in this way, you need to sit down and discuss bad behavior with him and what you need to do after that.

5. Set a reward system for your child.

Launching a motivational stimulus quickly corrects bad behavior. The reward helps children to concentrate on what they will get instead of being overwhelmed by bad behavior.

6. Avoid notations, threats, and slapping.

These methods are not only ineffective, but they can also make your child ignore you, and be morally and physically offended by your words and actions. That’s why it is not recommended to use these methods.

7. Take a break.

A break can teach children how to calm down, which is a useful skill. However, for the break to be effective, it is desirable to spend a lot of time with the child.

8. Set a praise system for your child.

Focus on the good behavior of the child, and then you will prevent a large number of problems. For example, when a child plays well with a brother or sister, pay attention to this. You can say, “You are such a fine fellow who shares toys with his brother/sister today.”

The Importance of Kids Discipline

Discipline helps the child feel happy and effectively fit into the real world. Also, it helps develop and maintain trust between parents and the child. A disciplined person will be able to postpone pleasure. He is careful about the needs of others, purposeful, but without excessive aggression and, if it is necessary, he can tolerate discomfort. Discipline encourages values shared by parents and children.

Guest Blogger Bio: My name is Erica Fleming. I support the effective adoption of new technologies or ways of working within writing by communicating complex information in an informative and inspiring way. You can find my work at I’m fond of writing articles for students, helping with essays.


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