There is a popular quote that has been floating around the internet. 

“To be a mother is to watch your heart walk around outside of your body.”

I mean, really?! These words couldn’t explain motherhood any better. So many overwhelming emotions all at once, and sometimes you don’t have control over all of them. 

So, I had this great idea to create a video where I asked new moms (including myself) 5 questions pertaining to motherhood, along with what it’s like to be a mom within the Orlando community. I was totally just going to take footage on my phone, but I was so lucky to be able to partner with Steph from the Alps to help me create this video. 

I developed this project because thinking back to becoming a new mom I would have loved a video likes this . So what’s the point of this video, you may ask? Well, it presents a heart-felt conversation between moms about this messy, adventurous, loving, and glorious life called MOTHERHOOD. 

Even though I’m gearing this towards new moms, in reality these are questions that all moms can relate to, and it might be fun to mentally answer them yourself. You’ll hear laughter, and see little ones eating LOTS of snacks because we all know they love their snacks! You’ll also see the crazy mess the kids make and the moms making sure to keep an eye on them. #reallife We’re just sharing our experiences with you that are honest & oh so true. 

Find some time to sit back, relax and grab a cup of coffee, tea, or glass of wine and take time to enjoy this video and maybe have fun answering the questions yourself.  

Here are the questions: 

1. How has being a new mom changed your perspective on life? 

2. If you could go back to the day you found out you were pregnant, what would you tell yourself, knowing what you know now? 

3. In 3 words describe motherhood. 

4. What is it like to be a new mom in the Orlando community? 

5. What are some of your favorite “mom spots” in Orlando? 


My goal for this project was to keep it authentic and real, hence the title “Real Talk with New Moms”

Questions #4 & #5  relate to being a new mom within the Orlando community. I honestly feel so honored to raise our little one in a community that offers so many great activities and foundations for new moms. In the video you’ll hear us share some of our favorite “mom spots” in Orlando.  I decided to link them below for you,  just in case you would like further information.

These activities seriously saved me from getting cabin fever during the first few months. It was a breath of fresh air to get out and meet other moms. When you’re involved in some of these activities/groups you build a great community of friends along with having your little one socialize as well. So many good things come from it! 

Favorite “Mom Spots” within Orlando 

Exercise Classes that include little ones: 

And of course, Disney is always an option! 😉 

I hope you enjoyed watching this video and feel free to share some of your answers with us! 


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  1. Such a fun video and post for new mommas! Thanks for doing this. I saw this because Cara (in the video) posted it and I met her and sweet Liam at the dance class I teach where you wear your babies! SO just wanted to throw that out there that another exercise and community building option for moms who like to dance and move is a Babywearing Dance Class called “Move with Me” at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts! Different sessions offered throughout the year. Drop in Classes are happening now until the next session starts for $13 per class and then another session begins on May 8. There are also other options throughout town that pop up for babywearing dance but this is the one I teach so I know the most about this one!


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